Alexei Navalny, a prominent critic of the Kremlin, has been located alive and is currently held in a penal colony in Siberia, as confirmed by his spokeswoman, Kira Yarmysh. On December 25, she announced that Navalny had been found, disclosing his relocation to northern Russia. Since his transfer from a previous prison on December 6, there had been no communication with his team.

According to Yarmysh, Navalny's lawyer saw him recently and confirmed his well-being. The opposition leader has been imprisoned since 2021 and is considered a key opponent of Vladimir Putin. Yarmysh revealed that Navalny has been moved to the IK-3 penal colony, nicknamed the "Polar Wolf" colony, located in Kharp in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District in northern Russia. This facility is known for being one of the most rigorous in the country, primarily housing individuals convicted of serious crimes.

While the U.S. welcomed the news of Navalny's location, it expressed ongoing concerns about his well-being and the conditions of his detention. Yarmysh asserted that Russian authorities are deliberately isolating Navalny, attempting to make his life exceedingly challenging. The remote and difficult-to-access nature of the "Polar Wolf" colony raises concerns about access for lawyers and visitors. Navalny's aide, Ivan Zhadov, highlighted that this move exemplifies the system's approach to political prisoners, emphasizing isolation and suppression.